Sunday, April 17, 2011

Get your shovels ready!!!

I can't make this up, SREF, GFS and NAM all produce a swath of 2-4 inches over Madison between 7pm and 7am. Not sure how much will accumulate (Ground temperatures above 32F) on the ground but it certainly will snow for ~5hrs over night. At this point I am not even mad, just think it is hilarious, are we in late Feb or Mid April???

Here is the proof,

GFS 9z sounding from 12z run Sunday April 17th over Madison,
 NAM 9z sounding from 12z run Sunday April 17th

And the 3z run of the SREF Plumes...

The HRRR is not in range for the event and will be posted once its in.

Also, we should figure out the final name of the blog and organize the side bars a bit better. Welcome some suggestions.  I personally think just naming the blog, "Go Zone" would be great. That way there is no questioning who coined the term!



  1. I like the Go Zone idea. I really don't like the forecast.

  2. Take a look at the Go Zone Tuesday into Wednesday. QPF's around 1.00", and even with a very wet (for northern WI) 10:1 snow ratio, we're looking at maybe 10"+ in Rhinelander; more is possible into central WI!
