All is quiet severe weather wise for the next day or two. Following that there should be several intersting tough dryline forecast type chase days capped off with a decent upper level system that will affect the Central Plains late Wednsday (isolated tornado potential). Unfortunately after that, it seems all the rumors are true for an Omega block pattern to take shape across the Nations heartland. See the two images below

I did a quick outline to emphasize the "omega" shape that is clearly evident in the upper level pattern. What does this mean for severe weather? Read the title again to get the vulgar interpretation of this pattern. I agree with Dima that all should be pretty quite severe weather wise while this pattern holds (at least as far as large outbreaks are concerned). The two positives chase wise though are: 1.) This omega block pattern looks to break up around the last week in May (just in time for storm chasing class to begin) 2.) Despite the lack of favorable upper level support, there should be some really challenging but fun dryline forecasts with isolated tornado potential.
For those of you who aren't too familiar with dryline chasing stay tuned as I am going to try and do a few "Go Zone" forecasts dedicated only to the dryline. They are traditionally Low Risk/High Reward kind of days. Maybe I or someone else can do a quick dryline chasing tutorial beforehand highlighting the dryline (of course), dryline bulges, upslope flow, thermal heat lows, monster cape, low shear, weak upper level dynamics, meso-scale features that induce low level helicity, storm propagation tendancies, and the sexiest Supercell of them all: the LP Supercell.
These kinds of chase days have large bust potential but if storms do fire and you happen to catch one that produces a "tor" it's a real treat.
Sorry Dima, couldn't stand to look at that shameless promotion of an absolutely crappy excuse for a video game anymore, lol...
Let the Dryline Extravaganza Begin!!!
Dan aka Squall Line
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