Monday, May 9, 2011


Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to post a heads-up for the end of this month... myself and a co-worker have a 5 day span of days dedicated to chasing. These dates are May 26-30th. If anyone is interested in joining us, please let me know. As of right now, we have just two people guaranteed (Croix may or may not join us pending the UW chase class's plans) and are looking for a one or two more to potentially split costs, etc for driving and hotels. We plan to go wherever is necessary, and leaving as early on the first day as we can. Of course, the schedule is tentative on severe weather that week. Let's hope the 'severe wx cock block' breaks down by then (which, if you buy into the long range GFS, it looks to break down around May 23 or 24th... ish).

1 comment:

  1. Ill be in town and ready to chase that thursday and friday. Going to be heading up to Madison though that weekend for Madison Marathon and Rachel's brother has a wedding shower (blah...) Would be cool to see you guys out in my neck of the woods if weather permits. More details will come as we get closer and see how things are going to shake out weather wise.
