Monday, August 4, 2014

Chasecation 2014 Multimedia Recap

Hey Fellow Chasers!

Since I 100% dropped the ball & didn't update as we went along (a total of 2500 miles in 4 days coupled with some chase frustration / spotty cell coverage will do that to you) ... I'll instead simply share the many photos and videos that Keith and I shot while chasing out in SW Texas & SE New Mexico this late spring. We had mostly marginal chase days - but the final day really paid off. No tornadoes officially sighted, but we were on four different gorgeous supercell structures... each different & awesome in their own ways. A few of my favorite pictures here below:

The full photo gallery hosted on my flickr page (full resolution downloads available):

And to go along with the photo gallery - a playlist of our several chases as compiled by Keith. Most of these videos are linked to from the flickr descriptions - so you can watch the video that went along with the photo of that particular storm:

Enjoy fellow chasers!

-Triple Point

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