Jan 11 2012
time temp press VISBY Wind Gust Weather
3:17 PM | 26.6 °F | 29.75 in | 1.8 mi | NNW | 27.6 mph | 38.0 mph | Light Snow | |
3:53 PM | 25.0 °F | 29.80 in | 1.8 mi | NW | 25.3 mph | 38.0 mph | Light Snow | |
4:53 PM | 21.9 °F | 29.82 in | 1.8 mi | NW | 26.5 mph | 36.8 mph | Light Snow | |
5:53 PM | 19.0 °F | 29.83 in | 2.5 mi | NW | 32.2 mph | 46.0 mph | Light Snow | |
6:53 PM | 18.0 °F | 29.85 in | 3.0 mi | NW | 32.2 mph | 44.9 mph | Light Snow |
Jan 25 2010
time temp press VISBY Wind Gust Weather
10:53 AM | 21.9 °F | 29.38 in | 0.8 mi | NW | 33.4 mph | 41.4 mph | Light Snow |
11:53 AM | 19.9 °F | 29.39 in | 0.5 mi | WNW | 29.9 mph | 40.3 mph | Light Snow |
12:53 PM | 19.0 °F | 29.39 in | 0.5 mi | WNW | 32.2 mph | 40.3 mph | Light Snow |
1:53 PM | 18.0 °F | 29.41 in | 0.2 mi | WNW | 32.2 mph | 48.3 mph | Light Snow |
2:53 PM | 16.0 °F | 29.45 in | 0.2 mi | WNW | 36.8 mph | 44.9 mph | Light Snow |
3:53 PM | 14.0 °F | 29.49 in | 0.5 mi | WNW | 26.5 mph | 38.0 mph | Light Snow |
So whats going on...? First of all, the pressure is rising, which doesn't fit the classic blizzard conceptual model. Second of all, there's only light snow being reported. Thirdly, the northwest winds are impressive. These three things are all common with strong cold fronts. However, the question I had is "how does strong wind mix down to the surface when surface Cold Air Advection is only going to act to stabilize the boundary layer..? The answer my friends is to replace "Cold" with "Differential". Differential Cold Air Advection (usually between 925mb and the Surface) will steepen the lapse rates in the boundary layer and promote momentum transfer of strong winds down to the surface. Here's the 12Z (pre-frontal) and 24Z (post frontal) soundings from Omaha during this last event on Jan 11 2012. The black Xs on the 12Z sounding show the 850 and Sfc temp from the 24Hr sounding (dtemp/dt). This was unusually deep mixing in the boundary layer. I also circled the 0-1km wind shear. (its blurry, so click it)

Re our discussion last weekend I went back and re-read this post. Awesome work Jake. Can't wait for the presentation next fall here in Madison!