Storm chasing veteran Steve Jaye and I ventured out into northeast Colorado again on Tuesday 5/28. Convection started early in the day, around 1pm local time, northeast of Denver. In typical Colorado fashion, dewpoints were in the 30's and 40's yet the cells had good structure and were growing fast. We headed northeast on I-76 and were watching cells both to our north and south. Around 3pm, we saw this very high-based storm north of Brush, CO:
We left this storm as there were 3 or 4 discrete cells developing south and east of us with better inflow (dewpoints close to 50). By the time we made it to Sterling, CO, there were 3 cells, aligned north-south that were all rapidly developing. Immediately north of Sterling, the northernmost cell got its act together fast, formed a wall cloud and began to produce funnels. The following video and picture is from that storm, which we basically followed for the next hour or two. The video is long, but interesting points are at 2:40 (funnel) and 6:05 (funnel + possible ground circulation).
After this storm lost its strength and grew upscale, we started heading back home when we encountered this lone mothership, which started dropping 1.5" hail on us. Luckily, the hail was melted on the outside and did not cause bigger problems.
- Dryline